This fits in perfectly with the concept of amor fati, which I've been thinking a lot about. There are two thoughts in particular that I really like. First, all the good and bad things that happen make you who you are, so even if you could have just the good, you wouldn't be the same person. And second, the difficult things in life are what challenge us to grow.
Thanks for the comment Ruth! I hadn't heard about amor fati until you mentioned it, but after looking into it you're exactly right. Obviously, no one enjoys the difficult things, but when we look back at them, we realize we wouldn't be where we are without them.
This fits in perfectly with the concept of amor fati, which I've been thinking a lot about. There are two thoughts in particular that I really like. First, all the good and bad things that happen make you who you are, so even if you could have just the good, you wouldn't be the same person. And second, the difficult things in life are what challenge us to grow.
Thanks for the comment Ruth! I hadn't heard about amor fati until you mentioned it, but after looking into it you're exactly right. Obviously, no one enjoys the difficult things, but when we look back at them, we realize we wouldn't be where we are without them.